9 Worst Food Combinations According To Ayurveda

Bad food combinations or Viruddha Ahara (mismatch of Vipaka, Guna, Virya, Prabhava) may lead to disturbance of Agni, poor digestion, Ama accumulation, vitiation of Dhatus, and channel obstruction. This does not allow you to obtain adequate nourishment, explains Dr Mrunal Gole, an Ayurvedic consultant at Birla Ayurveda. Here are some vegetable combinations listed by Dr Gole that are generally considered incompatible according to Ayurveda: (All pics: Freepik)

Milk and Vegetables

Consuming milk with certain vegetables, particularly those that are sour or acidic (such as tomatoes, sour fruits, and leafy greens), is believed to be incompatible with Ayurveda. This combination is thought to disturb the digestive fire (Agni) and may lead to bloating, gas, or indigestion.

Fruits and Vegetables

Ayurveda advises against combining fruits with vegetables, as they have different digestion times and may ferment in the digestive tract, leading to the production of toxins (Ama). This combination is believed to impair digestion and may contribute to the formation of toxins in the body.

Radishes and Milk

Radishes are considered a heating vegetable in Ayurveda, while milk is cooling. Consuming radishes with milk is believed to create an imbalance in the body's temperature regulation and may lead to digestive discomfort.

Nightshade Vegetables and Dairy

Nightshade vegetables such as tomatoes, eggplants, and bell peppers contain alkaloids that may interact negatively with dairy products. Consuming dairy with nightshade vegetables is believed to disrupt digestion and may aggravate certain health conditions, particularly for individuals with sensitivities or allergies.

Milk and Sour Vegetables

Avoid combining milk with sour or acidic vegetables like tomatoes, citrus fruits, sour berries, and certain leafy greens (e.g., spinach). This combination may disrupt digestion and lead to bloating, gas, or indigestion.

Onions and Yogurt

Ayurveda advises against combining onions, which are pungent and heating, with yoghurt, as this combination may disturb digestion and lead to the formation of toxins in the body.

Honey and Radishes

Mixing honey, a sweetener, with radishes, which are pungent and heating, may create an incompatible combination that disrupts digestion and aggravates Pitta Dosha.

Cucumbers and Dairy

Although cucumbers are cooling and hydrating, combining them with dairy products may lead to digestive issues, particularly for individuals with weak digestion or Kapha dominance.

Raw Vegetables and Dairy

Consuming raw vegetables with dairy products may lead to digestive issues and the formation of toxins in the body, as raw vegetables can be challenging to digest for some individuals.


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